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Advanced Data Structures
- In the previous section, we mentioned that you can create
pointers to structures. The Data Structures presented here all
require pointers to structs, or more specifically they are
self-referential structures.
- These self-referential structures contain pointers within
the structs that refer to another identical structure.
Advanced Data Structures :: Linked Lists
- Linked lists are the most basic self-referential structures.
Linked lists allow you to have a chain of structs with related
- So how would you go about declaring a linked list? It would
involve a struct and a pointer:
struct llnode {
<type> data;
struct llnode *next;
The <type> signifies data of any type. This is typically a
pointer to something, usually another struct. The next line
is the next pointer to another llnode struct. Another more
convenient way using typedef:
typedef struct list_node {
<type> data;
struct list_node *next;
} llnode;
llnode *head = NULL;
Note that even the typedef
is specified, the next
pointer within the struct must still have the struct
- There are two ways to create the
root node
the linked list. One method is to create a head pointer and the
other way is to create a dummy node. It's usually easier to
create a head pointer.
- Now that we have a node declaration down, how do we add or
remove from our linked list? Simple! Create functions to do
additions, removals, and traversals.
- Additions: A sample Linked list addition function:
void add(llnode **head, <type> data_in) {
llnode *tmp;
if ((tmp = malloc(sizeof(*tmp))) == NULL) {
tmp->data = data_in;
tmp->next = *head;
*head = tmp;
/* ... inside some function ... */
llnode *head = NULL;
<type> *some_data;
/* ... initialize some_data ... */
add(&head, some_data);
What's happening here? We created a head pointer, and then
sent the address-of the head pointer into the add
function which is expecting a pointer to a pointer. We send in
the address-of head. Inside add, a tmp pointer is allocated
on the heap. The data pointer on tmp is moved to point to
the data_in. The next pointer is moved to point to the head
pointer (*head). Then the head pointer is moved to point
to tmp. Thus we have added to the beginning of the
- Removals: You traverse the list, querying the
next struct in the list for the target. If you get a match,
set the current target next's pointer to the pointer of the
next pointer of the target. Don't forget to free the node
you are removing (or you'll get a memory leak)! You need
to take into consideration if the target is the
first node in the list. There are many
ways to do this (i.e. recursively). Think about it!
- Traversals: Traversing list is simple, just query
the data part of the node for pertinent information as you
move from next to next. There are different methods for
traversing trees (see Trees).
- What about freeing the whole list? You can't just free
the head pointer! You have to free the list. A sample
function to free a complete list:
void freelist(llnode *head) {
llnode *tmp;
while (head != NULL) {
free(head->data); /* Don't forget to free memory within the list! */
tmp = head->next;
head = tmp;
Now we can rest easy at night because we won't have memory leaks in
our lists!
Advanced Data Structures :: Stacks
- Stacks are a specific kind of linked list. They are referred
to as LIFO or Last In First Out.
- Stacks have specific adds and removes called push and
pop. Pushing nodes onto stacks is easily done by adding to
the front of the list. Popping is simply removing from the front
of the list.
- It would be wise to give return values when pushing and popping
from stacks. For example, pop can return the struct that was popped.
Advanced Data Structures :: Queues
- Queues are FIFO or First In First Out. Think of a typical
(non-priority) printer queue: The first jobs submitted are printed
before jobs that are submitted after them.
- Queues aren't more difficult to implement than stacks. By creating
a tail pointer you can keep track of both the front and the
tail ends of the list.
- This allows you to enqueue onto the tail of the list, and dequeue
from the front of the list.
Advanced Data Structures :: Hash Tables
- So what's the problem with linked lists? Their efficiency isn't
that great. (In Big-O notation, a linked list performs O(n)). Is
there a way to speed up data structures?
- Enter hash tables. Hash tables provide O(1) performance while
having the ability to grow dynamically. The key to a well-performing
hash table is understanding the data that will be inserted into it.
By custom tailoring an array of pointers, you can have O(1) access.
- But you are asking, how do you know where a certain data piece
is in within the array? This is accomplished through a key.
A key is based off the data, the most simple one's involve applying
a modulus to a certain piece of information within the data. The
general rule, is that if a key sucks, the hash table sucks.
- What about collisions (e.g. same key for two different pieces
of information)? There are many ways to resolve this, but the most
popular way is through coalesced chaining. You can create a linked
list from the array position to hold multiple data pieces, if
- Weiss provides a more in-depth study on hash tables,
section 10.3, pg. 271-279.
Advanced Data Structures :: Trees
- Another variation of a linked list is a tree. A simple binary
tree involves having two types of "next" pointers, a left and a
right pointer. You can halve your access times by splitting your
data into two different paths, while keeping a uniform data
structure. But trees can degrade into linked list efficiency.
- There are different types of trees, some popular ones are
self-balancing. AVL trees are a typical type of tree that can move
nodes around so that the tree is balanced without a >1 height difference
between levels.
- If you want more information on trees or self-balancing
trees, you can query google about this.
Advanced Data Structures Review
- Linked lists, stacks, queues, hash tables, trees are all
different types of data structures that can help accomodate almost
any type of data.
- Other data structures exist such as graphs. That is beyond
the scope of this tutorial.
- If you want a more in-depth look at the data structures
discussed here, refer to Weiss chapter 10, pg. 257-291 and chapter
11 pg. 311-318 for information on binary search trees.
- For more information on recursive functions, see Weiss
chapter 11, pg. 294-311.
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