Table of Contents: 1. Introduction 2. What is a Thread? 3. Thread Design Patterns 4. Protecting Shared Resources 5. Thread Synchronization Primitives 6. POSIX pthreads 7. Performance Considerations 8. Other Approaches 9. Resources |
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Code is often written in a serialized (or sequential) fashion. What
is meant by the term serialized? Ignoring instruction level parallelism (ILP),
code is executed sequentially, one after the next in a monolithic
fashion, without regard to possibly more available processors the program
could exploit. Often, there are potential parts of a program where
performance can be improved through the use of threads.
With increasing popularity of machines with symmetric multiprocessing
(largely due in part to the rise of multicore processors), programming
with threads is a valuable skill set worth learning.
Why is it that most programs are sequential? One guess would be that
students are not taught how to program in a parallel fashion until
later or in a difficult-to-follow manner.
To make matters worse, multithreading non-trivial code is difficult.
Careful analysis of the problem, and then a good design is not an option
for multithreaded programming; it is an absolute must.
We will dive into the world of threads with a little bit of background
first. We will examine thread synchronization primitives and then a
tutorial on how to use POSIX pthreads will be presented.
Isn't that something you put through an eye of a sewing needle?
How does it relate to programming then?
Think of sewing needles as the processors and the threads in a program as the thread fiber. If you had two needles but only one thread, it would take longer to finish the job (as one needle is idle) than if you split the thread into two and used both needles at the same time. Taking this analogy a little further, if one needle had to sew on a button (blocking I/O), the other needle could continue doing other useful work even if the other needle took 1 hour to sew on a single button. If you only used one needle, you would be ~1 hour behind!
In order to define a thread formally, we must first understand the
boundaries of where a thread operates.
A computer program becomes a process when it is loaded from some store into the computer's memory and begins execution. A process can be executed by a processor or a set of processors. A process description in memory contains vital information such as the program counter which keeps track of the current position in the program (i.e. which instruction is currently being executed), registers, variable stores, file handles, signals, and so forth. A thread is a sequence of such instructions within a program that can be executed independently of other code. The figure to the right conceptually shows that threads are within the same process address space, thus, much of the information present in the memory description of the process can be shared across threads. Some information cannot be replicated, such as the stack (stack pointer to a different memory area per thread), registers and thread-specific data. This information sufficies to allow threads to be scheduled independently of the program's main thread and possibly one or more other threads within the program. Explicit operating system support is required to run multithreaded programs. Fortunately, most modern operating systems support threads such as Linux (via NPTL), BSD variants, Mac OS X, Windows, Solaris, AIX, HP-UX, etc. Operating systems may use different mechanisms to implement multithreading support. |
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Before we can dive in depth into threading concepts, we need to get familiarized with a few terms related to threads, parallelism and concurrency.
Threads can provide benefits... for the right applications! Don't
waste your time multithreading a portion of code or an entire program
that isn't worth multithreading.
Gene Amdahl argued the theoretical maximum improvement that is possible
for a computer program that is parallelized, under the premise that
the program is strongly scaled (i.e. the program operates on a fixed
problem size). His claim is a well known assertion known as
Amdahl's Law.
Essentially, Amdahl's law states that the speedup of a program due
to parallelization can be no larger than the inverse of the portion
of the program that is immutably sequential. For example, if 50% of
your program is not parallelizable, then you can only expect a maximum
speedup of 2x, regardless the number of processors you throw at the
problem. Of course many problems and data sets that parallel programs
process are not of fixed size or the serial portion can be very close
to zero. What is important to the reader here, is to understand that
most interesting problems that are solved by computer programs tend to
have some limitations in the amount of parallelism that can be effectively
expressed (or introduced by the very mechanism to parallelize) and
exploited as threads or some other parallel construct.
It must be underscored how important it is to understand the problem
the computer program is trying to solve first, before simply jumping in
head first. Careful planning and consideration of not only what the
program must attack in a parallel fashion and the means to do so by way
of the algorithms employed and the vehicle for which they are delivered
must be performed.
There is a common saying: "90% of processor cycles are spent in 10% of
the code." This is more formally known as the Pareto Principle.
Carefully analyze your code or your design plan; don't spend all of
your time optimizing/parallelizing the 90% of the code that doesn't matter
much! Code profiling and analysis is outside of the scope of this document,
but it is recommended reading left to those unfamiliar with the subject.
There are different ways to use threads within a program. Here, three common thread design patterns are presented. There is no hard and fast rule on which is the best. It depends on what the program is intended to tackle and in what context. It is up to you to decide which best pattern or patterns fit your needs.
One thread dispatches other threads to do useful work which are usually part of a worker thread pool. This thread pool is usually pre-allocated before the boss (or master) begins dispatching threads to work. Although threads are lightweight, they still incur overhead when they are created.
The peer model is similar to the boss/worker model except once the worker pool has been created, the boss becomes the another thread in the thread pool, and is thus, a peer to the other threads.
Similar to how pipelining works in a processor, each thread is part of a long chain in a processing factory. Each thread works on data processed by the previous thread and hands it off to the next thread. You must be careful to equally distribute work and take extra steps to ensure non-blocking behavior in this thread model or you could experience pipeline "stalls."
Threads may operate on disparate data, but often threads may have to touch the same data. It is unsafe to allow concurrent access to such data or resources without some mechanism that defines a protocol for safe access! Threads must be explicitly instructed to block when other threads may be potentially accessing the same resources.
Mutual exclusion is the method of serializing access to shared
resources. You do not want a thread to be modifying a variable that is
already in the process of being modified by another thread! Another
scenario is a dirty read where the value is in the process of being
updated and another thread reads an old value.
Mutual exclusion allows the programmer to create a defined
protocol for serializing access to shared data or resources.
Logically, a mutex is a lock that one can virtually
attach to some resource. If a thread wishes to modify or read a value
from a shared resource, the thread must first gain the lock. Once it
has the lock it may do what it wants with the
shared resource without concerns of other threads accessing the shared
resource because other threads will have to wait. Once the thread finishes
using the shared resource, it unlocks the mutex, which allows other
threads to access the resource. This is a protocol that serializes access
to the shared resource. Note that such a protocol must be enforced for
the data or resource a mutex is protecting across all threads that may
touch the resource being protected. If the protocol is violated (e.g.,
a thread modifies a shared resource without first requesting a mutex
lock), then the protocol defined by the programmer has failed. There
is nothing preventing a thread programmer, whether unintentionally
(most often the case, i.e., a bug -- see race conditions below) or
intentionally from implementing a flawed serialization protocol.
As an analogy, you can think of a mutex as a safe with only one key
(for a standard mutex case), and the resource it is protecting lies
within the safe. Only one person can have the key to the chest at any
time, therefore, is the only person allowed to look or modify the
contents of the chest at the time it holds the key.
The code between the lock and unlock calls to the mutex, is referred to
as a critical section. Minimizing time spent in the critical
section allows for greater concurrency because it potentially reduces the
amount of time other threads must wait to gain the lock. Therefore, it is
important for a thread programmer to minimize critical sections
if possible.
There are different types of locks other than the standard simple blocking kind.
Depending upon the thread library or interface being used, only a subset of the additional types of locks may be available. POSIX pthreads allows recursive and reader/writer style locks.
An important problem associated with mutexes is the possibility of
deadlock. A program can deadlock if two (or more) threads have
stopped execution or are spinning permanently. For example, a simple
deadlock situation: thread 1 locks lock A, thread 2 locks lock B,
thread 1 wants lock B and thread 2 wants lock A. Instant deadlock. You
can prevent this from happening by making sure threads acquire locks
in an agreed order (i.e. preservation of lock ordering). Deadlock
can also happen if threads do not unlock mutexes properly.
A race condition is when non-deterministic behavior results from
threads accessing shared data or resources without following a defined
synchronization protocol for serializing such access. This can result
in erroneous outcomes that cause failure or inconsistent behavior making
race conditions particularly difficult to debug. In addition to
incorrectly synchronized access to shared resources, library calls
outside of your program's control are common culprits. Make sure you take
steps within your program to enforce serial access to shared file
descriptors and other external resources. Most man pages will contain
information about thread safety of a particular function, and if it
is not thread-safe, if any alternatives exist (e.g.,
and gethostbyname_r()
Another problem with mutexes is that contention for a mutex can lead to
priority inversion. A higher priority thread can wait behind a lower
priority thread if the lower priority thread holds a lock for which the
higher priority thread is waiting. This can be eliminated/reduced by
limiting the number of shared mutexes between different priority threads.
A famous case of priority inversion occurred on the
Mars Pathfinder.
Atomic operations allow for concurrent algorithms and access to certain
shared data types without the use of mutexes. For example, if there is
sufficient compiler and system support, one can modify some variable
(e.g., a 64-bit integer) within a multithreaded context without having to
go through a locking protocol. Many atomic calls are non-portable and
specific to the compiler and system. Intel Threading Building Blocks
(see below), contains semi-portable atomic support
under C++. The C++1x and C1x standards will also include atomic
operations support. For gcc-specific atomic support, please see
and this.
Lock-free algorithms can provide highly concurrent and scalable operations.
However, lock-free algorithms may be more complex than their lock-based
counterparts, potentially incurring additional overhead that may induce
negative cache effects and other problems. Careful analysis and
performance testing is required for the problem under consideration.
As we have just discussed, mutexes are one way of synchronizing access to shared resources. There are other mechanisms available for not only coordinating access to resources but synchronizing threads.
A thread join is a protocol to allow the programmer to collect all relevant threads at a logical synchronization point. For example, in fork-join parallelism, threads are spawned to tackle parallel tasks and then join back up to the main thread after completing their respective tasks (thus performing an implicit barrier at the join point). Note that a thread that executes a join has terminated execution of their respective thread function.
Condition variables allow threads to synchronize to a value of a shared
resource. Typically, condition variables are used as a notification
system between threads.
For example, you could have a counter that once reaching a certain count, you would like for a thread to activate. The thread (or threads) that activates once the counter reaches the limit would wait on the condition variable. Active threads signal on this condition variable to notify other threads waiting/sleeping on this condition variable; thus causing a waiting thread to wake. You can also use a broadcast mechanism if you want to signal all threads waiting on the condition variable to wakeup. Conceptually, this is modeled by the figure on the right with pseudocode. When waiting on condition variables, the wait should be inside a loop, not in a simple if statement because of spurious wakeups. You are not guaranteed that if a thread wakes up, it is the result of a signal or a broadcast call. |
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Barriers are a method to synchronize a set of threads at some point in time by having all participating threads in the barrier wait until all threads have called the said barrier function. This, in essence, blocks all threads participating in the barrier until the slowest participating thread reaches the barrier call.
Spinlocks are locks which spin on mutexes. Spinning refers to
continuously polling until a condition has been met. In the case of
spinlocks, if a thread cannot obtain the mutex, it will keep polling the
lock until it is free. The advantage of a spinlock is that the thread is
kept active and does not enter a sleep-wait for a mutex to become
available, thus can perform better in certain cases than typical
blocking-sleep-wait style mutexes. Mutexes which are heavily contended
are poor candidates for spinlocks.
Spinlocks should be avoided in uniprocessor contexts. Why is this?
Semaphores are another type of synchronization primitive that come in two
flavors: binary and counting. Binary semaphores act much like simple
mutexes, while counting semaphores can behave as recursive mutexes.
Counting semaphores can be initialized to any arbitrary value which
should depend on how many resources you have available for that particular
shared data. Many threads can obtain the lock simultaneously until the
limit is reached. This is referred to as lock depth.
Semaphores are more common in multiprocess programming (i.e. it's usually
used as a synch primitive between processes).
Now that we have a good foundation of thread concepts, lets talk about a
particular threading implementation, POSIX pthreads. The pthread library
can be found on almost any modern POSIX-compliant OS (and even under
Windows, see
Note that it is not possible to cover more than an introduction on pthreads
within the context of this short overview and tutorial. pthreads concepts
such as thread scheduling classes, thread-specific data, thread canceling,
handling signals and reader/writer locks are not covered here. Please see
the Resources section for more information.
If you are programming in C++, I highly recommend evaluating the
Boost C++ Libraries. One of the
libraries is the
Thread library
which provides a common interface for portable multithreading.
It is assumed that you have a good understanding of the C
programming language. If you do not or need to brush up, please review
basic C (especially pointers and arrays). Here are some
Before we begin, there are a few required steps you need to take before starting any pthreads coding:
#include <pthread.h>
to your source file(s).-pthread
which will set all proper defines and link-time libraries. On other
compilers, you may have to define _REENTRANT
and link against -lpthread
for certain function calls
like sigwait()
A pthread is represented by the type pthread_t
. To create a
thread, the following function is available:
Let's digest the arguments required for pthread_create()
pthread_t *thread
: the actual thread object that contains
pthread idpthread_attr_t *attr
: attributes to apply to this
threadvoid *(*start_routine)(void *)
: the function this thread
executesvoid *arg
: arguments to pass to thread function aboveBefore we dive into an example, let's first look at two other important thread functions:
terminates the thread and provides the pointer
available to any pthread_join()
suspends the calling thread to wait for
successful termination of the thread specified as the first argument
pthread_t thread
with an optional *value_ptr
data passed from the terminating thread's call to
Let's look at an example program exercising the above pthread functions:
This program creates NUM_THREADS
threads and prints their
respective user-assigned thread id. The first thing to notice is the
call to pthread_create()
in the main function. The syntax
of the third and fourth argument are particularly important. Notice that
the thr_func
is the name of the thread function, while the
fourth argument is the argument passed to said function. Here we are
passing a thread function argument that we created as a
struct. Of course, you can pass simple
data types as pointers if that is all that is needed, or NULL
if no arguments are required. However, it is good practice to be able
to pass arguments of arbitrary type and size, and is thus illustrated
for this purpose.
A few things to mention:
indicating to create a thread with default
attributes. The defaults vary depend upon the system and pthread
from the pthread_create()
. Why is it that you should not
integrate the pthread_join()
in to the thread creation
at the end of the thread function, it is good practice to do so,
as you may have the need to return some arbitrary data back to the
caller via pthread_join()
Threads can be assigned various thread attributes at the time of thread
creation. This is controlled through the second argument to
. You must first pass the
variable through:
Some attributes that can be set are:
Attributes can be retrieved via complimentary get
Consult the man pages for the effect of each of these attributes.
pthread mutexes are created through the following function:
The pthread_mutex_init()
function requires a
variable to operate on as the first
argument. Attributes for the mutex can be given through the second
parameter. To specify default attributes, pass NULL
as the
second parameter. Alternatively, mutexes can be initialized to default
values through a convenient macro rather than a function call:
Here a mutex object named lock
is initialized to the default
pthread mutex values.
To perform mutex locking and unlocking, the pthreads provides the following
Each of these calls requires a reference to the mutex object. The
difference between the lock and trylock calls is that lock is blocking
and trylock is non-blocking and will return immediately even if gaining
the mutex lock has failed due to it already being held/locked. It is
absolutely essential to check the return value of the trylock call to
determine if the mutex has been successfully acquired or not. If it has
not, then the error code EBUSY
will be returned.
Let's expand the previous example with code that uses mutexes:
In the above example code, we add some shared data called
and ensure serialized access to this variable
through a mutex named lock_x
. Within the
we call pthread_mutex_lock()
before reading or modifying the shared data. Note that we continue
to maintain the lock even through the printf()
call as releasing the lock before this and printing can lead to
inconsistent results in the output. Recall that the code in-between
the lock and unlock calls is called a critical section. Critical sections
should be minimized for increased concurrency.
pthread condition variables are created through the following function call or initializer macro similar to mutexes:
Similar to the mutex initialization call, condition variables can be
given non-default attributes through the second parameter. To specify
defaults, either use the initializer macro or specify NULL
in the second parameter to the call to pthread_cond_init()
Threads can act on condition variables in three ways: wait,
signal or broadcast:
puts the current thread to sleep. It
requires a mutex of the associated shared resource value it is waiting
on. pthread_cond_signal()
signals one thread out of the
possibly many sleeping threads to wakeup.
signals all threads waiting
on the cond
condition variable to wakeup. Here is an
example on using pthread condition variables:
In thr_func1()
, we are locking the count_lock
mutex so we can read the value of count without entering a potential race
condition. The subsequent pthread_cond_wait()
also requires a
locked mutex as the second parameter to avoid a race condition where a
thread prepares to wait on a condition variable and another thread
signals the condition just before the first thread actually waits on it
(as explained from the man page on pthread_cond_wait
). Notice
how a while
loop is used instead of an if
statement for the pthread_cond_wait()
call. This is because
of spurious wakeups problem mentioned previously. If a thread has been
woken, it does not mean it was due to a
if awoken, automatically
tries to re-acquire the mutex, and will block if it cannot.
Locks that other threads could be waiting on should be released
before you signal or broadcast.
pthreads can participate in a barrier to synchronize to some point in time. Before a barrier can be called, a pthread barrier object must be initialized first:
Barrier objects are initialized like mutexes or condition variables,
except there is one additional parameter, count
. The count
variable defines the number threads that must join the barrier for the
barrier to reach completion and unblock all threads waiting at the barrier.
If default barrier attributes are used (i.e. NULL
the second parameter), one can use the initializer macro with the
specified count
The actual barrier call follows:
This function would be inside thread code where the barrier is to take
place. Once count
number of threads have called
then the barrier condition is met
and all threads are unblocked and progress continues.
Here are some suggestions and issues you should consider when using pthreads:
when it is deemed
necessary).Additional useful pthread calls:
can be used to deliver signals to
specific threads.pthread_self()
returns a handle on the calling
compares for equality between two pthread
can be used to ensure that an
initializing function within a thread is only run once.The performance gains from using threads can be substantial when done properly and in the right problem context, but can it be even better? You should consider the following when analyzing your program for potential bottlenecks:
There are various template libraries available that ease implementation of multithreading in a (semi-)portable fashion. For those programming in C++, you may want to look at Boost, Intel Threading Building Blocks (TBB) and POCO.
This tutorial has explored the very basics of multithreaded programming.
What about multiprocess programming?
These topics are beyond the scope of this document, but to perform
cross-process synchronization, one would use some form of IPC: pipes,
semaphores, message queues, or shared memory. Of all of the forms of
IPC, shared memory is usually the fastest (excluding doors). You can use
, POSIX (e.g., shm_open()
) or SysV
(e.g., shmget()
) semantics when dealing with cross-process
resource management, IPC and synchronization. For those interested
in shared memory programming in C++, I recommend looking at
OpenMP is a portable interface for implementing fork-join parallelism on shared memory multi-processor machines. It is available for C/C++ and Fortran. For a quick introduction, please see the slides here.
The Message
Passing Interface (MPI) is the de-facto standard for distributed
memory parallel processing. Data can be sent/received from distinct
computing machines with support for vectored I/O (scatter/gather),
synchronization and collectives.
It is not uncommon to see programs that are both multithreaded and
contain MPI calls to take advantage of shared memory within a node and
MPI to perform processing across nodes.
It is difficult to cover more than an introduction to threads with this short tutorial and overview. For more in-depth coverage on threads (like thread scheduling classes, thread-specific data (thread local storage), thread canceling, handling signals and reader/writer locks) and pthreads programming, I recommend these books:
There are many excellent online resources regarding pthreads on the web. Use your favorite search engine to find these.
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